Tuesday, February 26, 2013

2-Hour Meeting Answer #3

1.  What is your essential question?
  •  How can preschool best help a child to succeed in early elementary school? 
2.  What is your third answer to your essential question (write your third answer in a complete sentence)?
  • My third answer to my essential question is the development of cognitive skills, this will help them in early elementary school. 
3.  What are three details to support or justify your third answer (details are examples or facts)? 

  • If a child doesn't develop cognitive skill, will have distractions and will not be focused through the class. 
  • Will have memory problems either-one long-term memory or short-term memory. 
  • A child will have difficult in logic and reasoning: The ability to reason, form concepts, and solve problems using unfamiliar information or novel procedures. Auditory Processing: The ability to analyze, blend, and segment sounds. Visual Processing: the ability to perceived, analyze, and think in visual images. Processing Speed: The ability to perform simple or complex tasks quickly.      
4.  What source helped you prove this answer is justified for your essential question?
  • Source 77, because it was an article explaining all the process that cognitive skills focus on and what is being develop.                
5.  What do you plan to study next and why?

  •  I plan to continue my study of answer 3 by doing a lot more research on the developmental process of cognitive skills, because I currently do not have much research on that. I would also plan to continue studying my answer 3 by using my independent component 2 to give me an in depth answers on cognitive skills. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fourth Interview Questions

1. How can preschool help a child to succeed in early elementary school?
2.What would happen if a child doesn't develop fine motor skills before entering elementary school?
3.What are social skills?
4.Why are social skills important for preschool to learn?
5.What would happen if a child is not social before entering elementary?
6.How preschool helps a child develop social skills?
7.What are cognitive skills?
8.Why is it important for a child to develop cognitive skills?
9.What would happen if a child doesn't develop cognitive skills?
10.Why is important for a child to develop language skills?
11.Is it social skills the same as language skills? What is the difference?
12.What skills they develop through play?
13.What is the best way to help a child who struggles with social, cognitive, and fine motor skills?
14.What is the most important thing, a child should know to succeed in early elementary school?
15.What activities can help to develop cognitive skills?
16.How can parents help their children to become successful in the early years of elementary school?
17.Is it true that their self esteem goes down when they are not social?Why?
18.How all this skills would affect them in their future?
19.What does the teacher do when a child doesn't want to participate?
20.What is the best way to not hurt a child, feelings and encouraging them to participate?
21.Is it true that they will become stressful when they go to elementary school not knowing hot to handle their pencil?Why?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

2-Hour Meeting Answer #2

1.  What is your essential question?
              How can preschool help a child to succeed in early elementary school?

2.  What is your second answer to your essential question (write your second answer in a complete sentence)?
My second answer to my essential question is the development of social skills in preschool will help them in the early years of elementary school.   

3.  What are three details to support or justify your second answer (details are examples or facts)?
·         Children who don’t interact with others will have a hard time in early elementary school, by feeling insecure, being scared, not talking, not participating, and not having friends.
·         First of all the child needs to be confident with themselves, if this is an issue they are more likely to be lonely and hating everyone. If the child doesn’t cooperate, is going to be hard to be in groups with others or participate with others. Communication is important, if the child doesn’t express himself his idea, feelings, and knowledge would not be heard and this child would have a hard time in the early years of elementary school.
·         When a child enters into elementary and they are not social with others they become to get frustrated and suddenly their self-esteem goes down, wanting them to not like school. Also they do poorly on their assignments and test. 

4.  What source helped you prove this answer is justified for your essential question?
             Source 68, because it was an article on how social skills are really important through the entire life. Also it has some examples of what to see if a child is not developing social skills and how to help them.

5.  What do you plan to study next with your second answer and why? 
            I plan to continue my study of answer 2 by doing a lot more research on development of social skills in preschoolers, because I currently do not have much research on that. I would also plan to continue studying my answer 2 by using my IC 2 to give me an in depth answers on social skills and why they are important.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Independent Component 2 Plan Approval

1. Write a description of what you plan on doing for your independent study component.
            Since I didn't have the chance on getting a college course, I decide to look for a training video that will help me with my project. Also I want to contact the Pomona Unified School District to know if I can contact an specialist on early childhood development.

2. Describe in detail how you think your plan will meet the 30 hours work requirement? 
            I think that I will meet the 30 hours because I hope that the video training help me with couple of hours because I want like a course but in a video that shows me what to learn. Also if I get to contact someone in the feel, teacher specialist on childhood development I think I would spend much time with her/him. 

3. How does your independent study component relate to your working EQ? 
           This relate to my Essential Question because I want to find a video that will teach me some answers for my EQ. For example i would like to hear some of the skills that they develop and why they are important. Also how to work with children and the techniques on teaching. With the specialist I will learn more because i'm going to be able to see and ask questions. I think that it will help me the best because the specialist job is to understand the learning process of the children.