1. What is your essential question?
- How can preschool best help a child to succeed in early elementary school?
2. What is your third answer to your essential question (write your third answer in a complete sentence)?
- My third answer to my essential question is the development of cognitive skills, this will help them in early elementary school.
3. What are three details to support or justify your third answer (details are examples or facts)?
- If a child doesn't develop cognitive skill, will have distractions and will not be focused through the class.
- Will have memory problems either-one long-term memory or short-term memory.
- A child will have difficult in logic and reasoning: The ability to reason, form concepts, and solve problems using unfamiliar information or novel procedures. Auditory Processing: The ability to analyze, blend, and segment sounds. Visual Processing: the ability to perceived, analyze, and think in visual images. Processing Speed: The ability to perform simple or complex tasks quickly.
- Source 77, because it was an article explaining all the process that cognitive skills focus on and what is being develop.
5. What do you plan to study next and why?
- I plan to continue my study of answer 3 by doing a lot more research on the developmental process of cognitive skills, because I currently do not have much research on that. I would also plan to continue studying my answer 3 by using my independent component 2 to give me an in depth answers on cognitive skills.